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8 great Online Mapping Tools to help you manage your Business

8 great Online Mapping Tools to help you manage your Business

To increase the visibility of your website Small-Business-Tools
there are a range of mapping tools that can be
integrated. In this context, we have collected
some of the best mapping tools available for you.

They are listed here in no particular order:-

1: Maporama:Maporama includes layers such as parks, commercial and
industrial areas and even street numbers. If you want to map the distance
from A to B, Maporama provides various options, such as:
shortest, fastest, by foot or by subway.

2: Atlas: – Atlas displays a map of a business location on any web page.
You can also include a weather forecast for your location

3: Multimap: – Multimap offers street level maps for the U.S.,
U.K. and most of Europe. It also it offers a bunch of
complementary services through its partners.

4: Dual Maps: – Get embeddable street views,
information from Bing and Google Maps
with custom logos with dual maps.

5: Live Search Maps: – This tool enables viewer-determined points on a
map and makes it easy to share them with others.

6: Aardvark Map: – This tool works with Google maps and allows
you to add maps to your website. You can also add maps to email or forum posts.

7: Yahoo! Maps:With this tool, have the directions you need sent
directly to your cell phone, by entering the phone number.

8: WikiMapia:This tool makes it possible for users to
add notes about any place on earth. Isn’t it great!


We hope you find these tools of value


The BSN Team

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