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The dark side of our Personal Marketing Data

The dark side of our Personal Marketing Data

The dark side of our Personal Marketing Data

We all know advertisers on the internet are stalking us, but Kirk Grogan shows us that marketers now have the power to change not just our buying behaviors, but our beliefs. Grogan argues that we’ve passed a point of no return and the same technologies used to guide us to buy our favorite sneakers can and are being used to mold and recruit extremists. Kirk Grogan is a marketing and sales strategist in Seattle. He had considered a career in international intelligence after growing up with a father who worked on spy satellites for the Defense Department. At Texas Tech, he added a minor in Arabic to his international business major to boost his appeal to intelligence agencies, even studied at the American University in Dubai. But a year spent abroad changed his perspective. When he saw how people in different countries receive drastically different news and information, he began to see parallels in his world of data marketing. He now consults with Fortune 100 companies. He coaches and leads marketing teams to develop conversion testing methods and teaches them how to engage with potential customers in an organic environment. He has developed multiple unique strategies currently implemented across the business world to help brands connect and build loyalty with consumers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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