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Why Investing in Women-led Startups Is the Smart Move

Why Investing in Women-led Startups Is the Smart Move


Why Investing in Women-led Startups Is the Smart Move

There are more than 11 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. today, which represents an increase of 26 percent from a decade ago, according to a 2017 report by American Express. In 2005, women represented less than 3 percent of the companies that received startup funding. In 2016, women-led companies represented 22 percent of early-stage companies that received funding, according to data from the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire. These women-owned and women-led early-stage businesses need backers. It’s more difficult for women to secure funding for their startups, which offers investors an opportunity to invest in promising companies while doing their part in advancing gender parity.

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